Project "UAVIEW"
Join the project "Creation of digital models of damage to buildings and structures using drones". Let's rebuild Ukraine together!
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Today there was a ceremonial presentation of certificates to the participants of the “UAVIEW” project (“Creation of digital models of …
Students feedback
Я навчаюсь на спеціальності 193 "Геодезія та землеустрій", в ЧДТУ. Даний проект мене зацікавив тим що, я можу дізнатися щось нове для себе, навчитись керувати дроном та обробляти дану ним інформацію.
From Ukraine
I study as a geodesist and land surveyor, I am interested in studying at CHDTU, there are responsive teachers who will always explain everything to you and reliable fellow students who will help at any moment. I was interested in this project because at the same time we can help our country and develop the skills that may be needed in my speciality, I want to learn how to pilot a drone and learn about the intricacies of working with a drone.
Viktor Horiushyn
From Ukraine
Now I try to get practical experience related to my specialty as well as self-development. I am a student at the Cherkasy State Technical University majoring in geodesy and land management
I was interested in this project because it is related to my specialty and will give me good skills so that I can be a sought-after specialist.
Mykola Sorokovikov
From Ukraine
Currently, I have just embarked on the path of studying construction, because I am studying the specialty "Construction and civil engineering" at the faculty of the Faculty of Construction Technologies and Rational Use of Natural Resources at ChSTU. Studying here is very interesting to me, so I take responsibility for all training courses and visit all pairs, trying to participate in various activities.
This project will help me learn the latest technologies used in geodesy, develop my skills, and allow me to decide on the main direction of my future work.
Kateryna Hryshchenko
From Ukraine
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